Monday, May 12, 2008

Newfoundland Bound

On Monday, May 5th, the MacSprings set out for a six-month journey to explore the Canadian Province of Newfoundland! The motivation for this adventure was Natalie's sabbatical: she will be studying the role of tourism in the economy since the collapse of the cod fisheries in 1992. Rich is also on a sabbatical of sorts, writing a book of his experiences as a naturalist with Garrison Keillor and his three Prairie Home Companion cruises. And Anouk has a job, too—she has to be cute, serve as our entrĂ©e to meeting all of the wonderful people by batting her baby blues or sharing her infectious laugh.

1 comment:

KNadine said...

Howdy MacSprings!
Love seeing pictures of Anouk, she is sooo pretty. You can almost here her laugh in her pictures.
We enjoy reading your blogs, hope you find time to keep them coming.

Life in Lewiston is the same, not necessarly a bad thing. We recently celebrated the Smelt Festival and I am proud to say I have maintained my lifelong tradition on NEVER-EVER eating smelt! We recently added a cat named Remy to our pair of dogs, Shadows and Max (all rescues) that in itself keeps us busy.

The kids are well, Ashley is hanging tough and keeping the house and all the inhabitants in line. Alex got accepted to return for a second year to Ithaca College for the New York Summer School for the Arts in the photography section! I am a very proud Mama! Sooner or later I'll forward pictures of the gang and some of her work.

Take care and enjoy the great white north.
Kim, Ashely and Alex
Ashley has been into bird watching around here-any good recs on an easy to read bird book?